by Jamal | Apr 14, 2023 | Non classé
Lascaux I start painting. And here I am transported to the caves of Lascaux. Facing the stone, I have only a few minutes to retranscribe all the immensity of the sensations that these beasts have imprinted in me. These beasts, in our time, are these monsters of...
by Jamal | Apr 14, 2023 | Non classé
Masters of the world are riding a bike Biking. I’ve become the master of Time, Universe, even the master of Paris, riding a bike. Suddenly, I was moving a little faster than time, while remaining perfectly at ease. Biking ! I was ahead of every moment. My front...
by Jamal | Apr 14, 2023 | Non classé
Photography is a miracle How could I doubt in the magic of photography, given how it resurrected suddenly my grandma? This masterpiece as a woman, this painting that escaped herself from the Louvre museum, this being from another time, from a very distant past, and...